Incidence of Gender Equality in Economic Growth: The Case of Peru, 2001–2018


  • José Luis Almerco Palomino Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Martha Sofía De la Cruz Flores Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Paula Sofía Granados Trujillo Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Alison Valeria Serrano Inga Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Zayra Pamela Yzarra Abriles Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Elvis Daniel Almerco Palomino Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Perú



gender inequality, economic growth, GDP


The situation in Peru is not indifferent to gender inequality, which is a persistent problem in our society hindering the best possible scenario of economic growth. This study aims to measure the incidence of gender equity in Peru’s economic growth, given that, in recent years, the role of women in the socioeconomic sphere has gained momentum, positively impacting GDP growth across the world. Results are obtained from a quantitative analysis conducted from 2001 to 2018, by estimating the logarithmic regression model, which is based on time-series data. The analysis shows a significant relationship between gender equity and economic growth.


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How to Cite

Almerco Palomino, J. L., De la Cruz Flores, M. S. ., Granados Trujillo, P. S. ., Serrano Inga, A. V. ., Yzarra Abriles, Z. P. ., & Almerco Palomino, E. D. (2023). Incidence of Gender Equality in Economic Growth: The Case of Peru, 2001–2018. Revista De Análisis Y Difusión De Perspectivas Educativas Y Empresariales, 3(6), 10–22.